What is H.O.P.E.?
H.O.P.E. club is a community service club in Brooklyn Technical High School that focuses on providing help and happiness to many different causes and communities in need. In order to accomplish the goal of our club, we help our fellow students find and participate in various volunteer opportunities, make contributions to many different organizations, and plan many creative events that will hopefully make a huge impact in their lives. We hope that our efforts will be able to enlighten our peers about our community and help them create fun memories that will last a lifetime.
We have meetings throughout the year and they usually take place on a Thursday, once a month, in the auditorium after 10th period. We have two different types of meetings: General and Mandatory.
General meetings generally last approximately 10 - 15 minutes long and are worth 10 points. Those who do not attend will not receive any point deductions for these meetings are optional. Mandatory meetings are, as it’s title implies, MANDATORY. They generally last longer and are also worth 10 points. However, failure to attend these meetings will result to a 15 point deduction.
Points + Club Credits Community Service Hours
Our club gives out 16 club credits to members who fulfill our 200 point requirement. We use the point system to keep track of the amount of work you have done in this club. Members can receive points by participating in volunteering events, fundraisers, drives, in-school events, and more. Partial club credit will still be rewarded but they will be given based on the amount of points you earned. Point updates will be sent throughout the year. Community service hours can be earned by attending events that are outside of school and usually on weekends. The amount of hours you receive corresponds with the amount of hours you volunteered for. All letters of community service will be given at the end of the year. Normally, you would have to give one copy to Ms. Yvette in room 7C1 and one copy to your guidance counselor, but we take care of the hours you earn through H.O.P.E. for 7C1. You will only need to give a copy to you guidance counselor.
Events + In-School Events + Fundraisers + Drives + Donations
Since we are a community service club, most of our events will obviously take place outside of school. We participate in many events such as galas, food pantries, carnivals, festivals and more. We also host many in-school events, fundraisers, drives, and donations. Those are simple ways for those who are usually busy during weekends to earn points during school hours. We will also be hosting a mandatory fundraiser during the middle of the school year but more details will be sent out when the date approaches. Emails, facebook posts, and website posts with the necessary information will be sent out each time an activity is released.
MySignUps + Google Forms
We generally use a site called MySignUp where members can click a spot and fill in their name, OSIS #, email, phone number, and occasionally t-shirt size to sign up for an event. The link to the MySignUp is always provided in the email along with all the details for the event. The MySignUp will open and close at a certain date/time so it is imperative for members to complete all necessary information accurately within that time limit. Once the MySignUp closes, anyone who suddenly has an emergency and cannot attend the event must email us at (For more information, go to “Request for Excusals”) If the event is unlimited, we will send out a Google Form instead. When signing up, members are to input their FIRST AND LAST NAME and provide us the correct OSIS number. There has been an issue where members have been inputting their phones numbers as OSIS numbers. It is imperative that we obtain your OSIS numbers for that is the number we use to input points and hours for record keeping. There has also been an issue where members have been signing up for multiple spots. You may not sign up for multiple spots under your name. WE WILL BEGIN REMOVING SPOTS. If you wish to reserve spots for a friend, please ensure that all their information is accurate before the signup closes.
Request for Excusal
If you are unable to attend an event or a meeting, you must email us at with the subject titled, “Request for Excusal” and your name, OSIS, and the reason why you are unable to attend in the context. If your reason gets approved, you will not receive any point deductions. You will get a response to your email in regards to whether or not there will be point deductions. ONLY VALID EXCUSES WILL BE ACCEPTED. If you have a doctor’s appointment, please provide us with a picture of your doctor’s note. Failure to send us a “Request for Excusal” will result to point deductions. You will lose the same amount of points the event is worth if you do not show up at the event you have signed up for and lose 15 points if you do not show up to a mandatory meeting.
Waiting List
The waiting list allows those who did not get a spot on the MySignUp sheet a chance to go to events as a substitute. We will not have a waiting list for every event but for selected events. The waiting list, which will be in google form format, will be sent out a few days AFTER signup closes. Even if you fill out the form, it does NOT guarantee you a spot at the event. Substitutes will be notified through email as soon as a person who has signed up on the sheet tell us that she/he is unable to go. You must reply within 24 hours to guarantee spot at this event or else we will move on to the next person on the list.
At least one executive will always be present to take attendance at events. You must sign in and sign out with an executive at the beginning and end of each event to receive the points and community service hours. If you fail to either sign in or sign out, you will not get any points or hours. For meetings, your attendance will be taken through the swipe-in machines at the entrance in the center section. Make sure to swipe-in or you will not receive the points you deserve.
Coinciding Events
Since there are a number of volunteer clubs in Tech, there will be times where other clubs will have the same events as H.O.P.E. However, if you sign up to help out at an event for another club, please don't sign up for the same event for H.O.P.E. as well. You will not get points and hours for both clubs unless otherwise stated. For some events/activities, such as Treats for Teachers and the past Relay for Life event, you will be able to earn points for all the participating clubs you're in.
Conduct in Events
When you sign up and attend an event, you are basically making a promise to the organization that you will help them get the necessary tasks done. While we encourage everyone to have fun at our events, all members must still exhibit good behavior.
Google Groups
Google groups is a system that allows us to send multiple emails to a large group of people without having to hit the email limit. Everyone should be in our google group within the next two weeks. Email confirmations from our google groups server will be sent out to each person to notify that you are in our official mailing list.
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