H.O.P.E. 1st Generation Executive Board (2013-2016)

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Executive Profiles

Title: President & Co-founder
Name: Sandy Chan
Term Served: 2013-2016
Major: Media
Likes: Scenic views, trying new activities/food, interesting people/things
Dislikes: Making choices, forgetting where things are
Favorite Thing(s) About H.O.P.E.: Being able to meet such a diverse group of people & coming to realize that there are actually countless ways to help people

Title: Vice President
Name: Angela Fong
Term Served: 2013-2016
Major: Architecture
Likes: Shopping, dogs, the color black
Dislikes: Bugs, overly sweet food
Favorite Thing(s) About H.O.P.E.: Always meeting new people

Title: Secretary & Co-founder
Name: Helen Ding
Term Served: 2013-2016
Major: Law & Society
Likes: Cartoons, stuffed animals, ice cream
Dislikes: Thunder, lightning, when my gold fishes die
Favorite Thing(s) About H.O.P.E.: Everything

Title: Treasurer (Event Coordinator 2013-2014)
Name: Joeyee Yan
Term Served: 2013-2016
Major: Biological Sciences
Likes: Zac Efron, Channing Tatum, Forrest Gump
Dislikes: Avocados, fake chocolate flavored products, Hitler
Favorite Thing(s) About H.O.P.E.: How we work with all sizes of organizations and help people make connections, gifts from events

Title: Club Representative (Event Coordinator 2013-2014)
Name: Jennie Chen
Term Served: 2013-2016
Major: Chemistry
Likes: Sleeping, Clash of Clans, horror movies
Dislikes: Insects, bullies
Favorite Thing(s) About H.O.P.E.: I get to meet new people and it's a great opportunity to gain experience from volunteering

Title: Creative Coordinator (Event Coordinator 2013-2014)
Name: Wendy Lei
Term Served: 2013-2016
Major: Media
Likes: Porcupines, Minions (Despicable Me), drawing, documentaries, Rudolphs in their natural habitats
Dislikes: Insects, dark chocolate
Favorite Thing(s) About H.O.P.E.: Connecting and interacting with the community

Title: Event Coordinator
Name: Bryan Khuu
Term Served: 2015-2016
Major: Media
Likes: Winter, sushi, baking
Dislikes: Creepy crawlies, sunburns
Favorite Thing(s) About H.O.P.E.: Meeting new people

Title: Event Coordinator
Name: Henry Li
Term Served: 2014-2016
Major: Chemistry
Likes: Calligraphy, symphonies, verses
Dislikes: Cherry-flavored Tylenol flu/cold medicine, "Sticky Key" pop-up window, the slippery, icy ground during my walks to school
Favorite Thing(s) About H.O.P.E.: The cause. It’s all about the cause. Hard work pays off at the end of the day knowing that you have done something right.

Title: Event Coordinator
Name: Jacky Jiang
Term Served: 2015-2016
Major: Media
Likes: Watermelon, milk tea, music
Dislikes: Being bored, being too full, metal (music)
Favorite Thing(s) About H.O.P.E.: Meeting new people

Title: Event Coordinator
Name: Jason Lieng
Term Served: 2015-2016
Major: Architecture
Likes: Meat (fish and tofu included), weightlifting, handball
Dislikes: Anyone who harms my friends
Favorite Thing(s) About H.O.P.E.: Everything

Title: Event Coordinator
Name: Stanley Zhu
Term Served: 2014-2016
Major: Chemistry
Likes: Handball, Table Tennis, Ice Skating
Dislikes: Any chocolate besides dark chocolate, Fake people
Favorite Thing(s) About H.O.P.E.: We have the opportunity to raise awareness and support associations through active events, which allow us to have fun and understand more about H.O.P.E.

Title: Event Coordinator
Name: Venus He
Term Served: 2014-2016
Major: Biological Sciences
Likes: Crazy Tank, League of Legends (LoL), Brave Frontier, turtles
Dislikes: Humidity, tomatoes
Favorite Thing(s) About H.O.P.E.: The amount of members ensures that you'll make at least one friend, the t-shirts, food (sometimes)