Deadline Extension for Hoodie & V-Neck Order Form Until Tomorrow at 12 P.M.

10:39 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Due to a lot of requests, we are going to extend the hoodie/v-neck order till tomorrow AFTERNOON at 12 PM (Sunday, Nov 29). This is the final deadline so, if you haven't already, please fill out the form. Thank you! 

Hoodie & V-Neck Order Form Link: Click Here!


Hoodie & V-Neck Order Form Closes Tomorrow at 10 P.M.!

7:10 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hi everyone!
Quick reminder: If you want to order a Hoodie and/or V-Neck please do so by TOMORROW at 10 PM (Saturday, November 28th). The final prices and money collection date will be announced once the form closes.
Remember, if you buy a hoodie ($22-$27) you will get 15 points, and if you buy a v-neck ($12-$18) you will get 10 points. Order both for 25 points! (Bonus: get 5 additional points if you wear a H.O.P.E. crewneck/hoodie/v-neck to an event! )
Also, if you would like to cancel your order, please remember to do so before 10 PM tomorrow. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your break. :)
Here is the link: Click Here!


Order Your Hoodie & V-Neck! :)

8:51 PM Unknown 1 Comments

We will be ordering hoodies and v-necks this year. The design has been finalized and can be found on the order form. Prices for hoodies and v-necks will range as follows:
- Hoodie: $22-$27
- V-Neck: $12-$18

The prices will be dependent on the number of people who order each. If more people order, the cheaper the hoodies and/or v-necks will be. We will send out the final price once we get most of the orders. If you would like to get a hoodie and/or v-neck and are willing to get it if it's within those price ranges, then please fill out an order form. Do not fill it out unless you are certain that you would like to get a hoodie and/or v-neck. Money collection will be announced after all the orders are in. If for any reason, you would like to cancel your order, you must do so before the order form closes. 

If you buy a hoodie, you will get 15 points. If you buy a v-neck, you will be 10 points. You can get up to 25 points if you buy both. You'll also get an extra 5 points for wearing a H.O.P.E. hoodie, crew neck, or v-neck to our events!

Hoodie & V-Neck Order Form Link: Click Here!

*The Hoodie & V-Neck Order Form will close on Saturday, November 28th at 10 P.M.

:) :) :) :) :) :) We H.O.P.E. you order! :) :) :) :) :) :)


Parent Teacher Conference Sale

9:20 PM Unknown 0 Comments

We are going to be selling snacks at the upcoming PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE.
Here's a list of items and their point conversions (if you have any questions feel free to message us or simply comment on the post):
- Box of Cookies (i.e. Oreos, Chips Ahoy, Chocolate Chip, etc): 10 Points
- Box of Donuts: 10 Points
- Bag of Chocolate: 10 Points
- Granola Bars: 3 for 5 Points
When you bring in the donations, please put the items in a bag with a piece of paper that states your name, OSIS, and H.O.P.E. Donations may be brought to room 7C1 where there will be a box labeled "H.O.P.E. Donations."
---> Please start bringing in your donations on Wednesday (the 18th)! The box has not been set up yet.
---> We will be accepting donations from November 18, 2015 to November 19, 2015.


Getting Signatures for (Un)fair Student Funding Petition

9:14 PM Unknown 0 Comments

As many of you may have already heard, there is currently a petition going around for Un(fair) Student Funding for Tech. Our school receives less funding than all the other specialized high schools so we need members to get signatures from clubs on Thursday, November 19th after 10th period. You will need to go to room 7C1 to sign in with an executive and get the petitions before heading to the 3rd or 4th floor to distribute petitions to all the clubs on those floors and get signatures. Once the petitions are signed, please collect them and bring them back to room 7C1. You will need to sign out with an executive afterwards. If you signed up for the Fall Parent Teacher Conferences as well, this is a great way to make use of the time you have in between and earn 5 points for helping out! Please sign up for the floor in which you would like to distribute the petitions (3rd or 4th).  

Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*This sign-up will open tonight at 9:30 P.M. 


Runyon 5K tomorrow!

10:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hi guys,
Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is the Runyon 5K event! Once again, make sure to enter through the Yankees Lobby next to Gate 2, near the corner of Jerome Avenue and East 164th Street. The volunteer headquarters will be at the Mike and Ike Picnic Area, located at Gate 2 inside the Stadium, next to the Yankees Lobby. You will need to check in with a Damon Runyon staff member once you are through security in the Yankees Lobby. Executives will be there around this area to sign you guys in as well! Please make sure to read through the email that was sent only to those who signed up for this event a few days ago!


Fall Parent Teacher Conferences

9:22 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The Fall Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up and we need members to act as teachers' assistants. You will each get an assigned teacher that you will assist throughout the evening/afternoon. We will need members to help out for both days:
- Thursday, November 19th from 4:15 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. 
- Friday, November 20th from 11:45 A.M. to 4 P.M. 

For both Thursday and Friday, sign ins will be outside room 3E19. We will go down to room 1W6 as a group after for your assignments. Your sign out will be the post-it with the name of your assigned teacher, which you will get on the day of the Parent Teacher Conferences. On that post-it, you will need to write your full name and OSIS #. At the end of your shift, please ask the teacher to sign the post-it to prove that you helped them throughout the entire evening/afternoon. Lastly, bring the post-it to room 1W6 and place it in the box that says "H.O.P.E. PTCs."  

This event will be 20 points. 

Please wear Tech attire (hoodie, gym shirt, H.O.P.E. crewneck, etc.) on both days. 

Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up will open tonight at 9:30 P.M. and close Sunday at 10 P.M.

**Just to clarify, each day that you help out for the PTC is 20 points. Also, please do not sign up for the PTCs for H.O.P.E. if you have already done so for NHS! You will only get points for one club.**


Habitat for Humanity

10:11 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hi Guys!! :)
Habitat for Humanity New York City is an organization that transforms lives by building quality homes with families in need and by uniting all New Yorkers around the cause of affordable housing.
In order to show support for what they do, H.O.P.E. will help raise money for Habitat for Humanity.
Unlike our past fundraisers, this time we will be BUILDING a house, metaphorically of course!
During 9th, 10th and 11th period tomorrow, we will be accepting donations outside of room 7C1. For every $1 that you donate, you will receive a slip of colored paper that represents the bricks used to build houses. You can write your names on these slips. The slips of paper will then be glued onto a sheet of paper to create a house. By the end of the day, we will be able to see a house built by the help of everyone who donated. In a way, we will be building our own house just like how Habitat for Humanity builds their houses, one brick at a time.
Maximum points is 10, 5 points per dollar donated, but the good news doesn't stop just yet, if you donate $2 you will receive not only an additional piece of paper where you can write your name on it, you will also receive a FREE piece of candy, yup that's right FREE!! Wooo Hooo


General Meeting this Thursday, November 12th!

11:37 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Good morning everyone,
We will be having a general meeting this Thursday, November 12th in the auditorium during 11th period. Attendance for general meetings is optional so if you attend, you will get 10 points. If you don't attend, you will not lose any points. As always, please be sure to swipe in before entering the auditorium! See you guys then!


Sale: Major T-Shirts from Previous Years

9:50 PM Unknown 0 Comments

We will be selling major t-shirts from previous years for Mr. Torres on Thursday, November 5th and Friday, November 6th at room 7C1. On Thursday, we will only be selling from 9th period to 3:45 P.M. On Friday, we will be selling from 4th period to 3:45 P.M. There will be a piece of paper where you can write your name and OSIS #. The t-shirts are 1 for $2 or 3 for $5. You can get a maximum of 5 points for getting one t-shirt since we have numerous fundraising activities planned for the month of November. 


Runyon 5K

9:50 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation will be having their 7th annual Runyon 5K to fundraise for cancer research. We will be assigned to teams that may range from Site Set-up, Line Monitoring, Check-In, Bag Check, Pledge Collection, Information, Directional, Water Stop, Finish Line, Food, T-Shirt, Goody Bag, and Breakdown. Descriptions for each team can be found in the attached PDF file. You will get more information on the team you're assigned to within the next week so make sure to check your emails! Lastly, all members who sign up for this event MUST complete the attached waiver and release, and place it in the box labeled "H.O.P.E. Runyon 5K Waiver and Release" by the end of 10th period (3:35 P.M.) Friday, November 6th. The box can be found in the bottom section of the shelf by Ms. Yvette's desk in room 7C1. Anyone who fails to hand in the completed waiver and release will not be allowed to attend the event. If you are under the age of 18, you will need to complete the section for minors as well. 

Date: Sunday, November 15, 2015
Time: 7 A.M. - 2 P.M.
Location: Yankee Stadium, 1 E 161st Street, Bronx, NY 10451
Google Maps: View Google Maps!
Contact Person: Sandy Chan: 347-536-6854
Points: 35
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up will close tomorrow, Thursday, November 5th at 10 P.M.


Sugar-Free Items Donation Box

10:22 PM Unknown 1 Comments



Since 7C1 has new furniture, we have to accommodate the location of our donation box. H.O.P.E.'s donation box is currently located on the shelf next to MS. YVETTE's desk, directly across from MR. TORRES's office. There are four cabinet slots, H.O.P.E.'s donation box is in the BOTTOM RIGHT corner.

NOTE: For the SUGAR-FREE TREATS DONATIONS, we labeled our box simply "H.O.P.E. DONATIONS" since we don't want Mr. Kaelin to find out about the surprise.



Mr. Torres Needs Help Tomorrow!

8:48 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Mr. Torres needs 10 students to help unpack boxes and organize the items in room 7C1 tomorrow, Tuesday, November 3rd from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. This event will be 15 points. Please bring your student ID's and enter from the northeast entrance. Attendance will be taken by Helen Ding.

Sign-Up Link: Click Here!


Sugar-Free Items for Mr. Kaelin's Birthday Party!

9:09 PM Unknown 0 Comments

In order to thank Mr. Kaelin, one of Tech’s most beloved staff (not only is he the advisor for NHS, he also teaches pre-calc and works in the COSA office, assisting students with club activities). H.O.P.E. has decided to throw Mr. Kaelin a HAPPY BIRTHDAY party, but because Mr. Kaelin has diabetes, he is not able to eat anything with sugar. How AWFUL is that? He can't eat most types of chocolate and cake and other delicious desserts. So in order to provide him a FANTASTIC birthday party, we need your help. If you can, please bring in any sugar-free pastries you can find (i.e. sugar-free cookies, sugar-free chocolates, and pretty much anything else sugar-free). Points will be awarded based on the items you bring in. Every box of cookies is worth 10 points, and a bag of chocolate is also worth 10 points. Each box/bag must be 10 ounces or more. If you have any questions about the item you want to bring in, you can ask either the President, Sandy Chan, or Secretary, Helen Ding. :) Please bring the items to room 7C1 (There will be a box in the office labeled H.O.P.E. DONATION). This donation drive will start November 4th and end November 5th. Make sure to place your donation into a plastic bag with your name, OSIS number, and H.O.P.E.  

The maximum amount of points you can earn is 20. THANK YOU :)


Metropolitan Hospital Center Visit

9:09 PM Unknown 0 Comments

We will be visiting the patients in the Metropolitan Hospital Center to wish them a Happy Halloween! Throughout our visit, we will read books to the children and have conversations with some of the patients. You MUST wear a costume if you wish to attend.   

Date: Saturday, October 31, 2015 (tomorrow)
Time: 10 A.M. - 12 P.M.
Location: Metropolitan Hospital Center, 1901 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10029 (The entrance that we will enter through is the one at 1st Ave and 98th Street) Meet the executives by the entrance for attendance.
Google Maps: View Google Maps!
Contact Person: Sandy Chan: 347-536-6854
Points: 15
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!


Breast Cancer Awareness Stickers!

9:08 PM Unknown 1 Comments

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. While most people are aware of breast cancer, many forget to take the steps to have a plan to detect the disease in its early stages and encourage others to do the same.

To date, the organization Susan G. Komen has invested more than $2.6 billion in groundbreaking research, community health outreach, advocacy and programs in more than 30 countries. Their efforts have helped reduce death rates in breast cancer by 34 percent as of 1990, and have helped improve five-year relative survival rates for early stage cancers from 74 to 99 percent.

What Susan G. Komen is doing is truly SPECTACULAR, and in order to show our support for their efforts, we have decided to help raise money for their cause, a cause that affects A BUNCH of people around the world.
We will be selling BREAST CANCER AWARENESS STICKERS from the beginning of 9th period to 3:45 P.M. in the CENTER SECTION of the cafeteria.

You can get THREE stickers for only ONE DOLLAR!!!
For every THREE stickers you buy, FIVE points will be given.

P.S. We will only be selling this week!! From tomorrow till Friday! So DON’T miss out on this AMAZING DEAL guys!! J J



7C1 Helpers for Tomorrow!

9:07 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Ready for an IN-SCHOOL event? During your lunch period!!??
I know I am! J It’s super easy and you can earn up to 5 whole points per lunch period.
All you have to do is assist Mrs. Yvette, Mr. Kaelin and Mr. Torres, in packing away items in room 7C1! How simple is that!J
Please sign up on our sign-up link to show us that you are coming--spots are limited. Don’t miss out on this GREAT opportunity!
When you come into 7C1, please make sure to tell the office staffs that you’re from H.O.P.E. and ask one of them for a sign-in sheet where you will list the following: NAME, OSIS, and LUNCH PERIOD.  
Thank You!

Sign-Up Link: Click Here!


Hoodie/Crewneck/V-Neck T-Shirt Survey

9:07 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Last year we ordered crewnecks for H.O.P.E. In regards to H.O.P.E.’s Hoodie/Crewneck/V-Neck T-shirt for the new school year, please fill out a quick survey so we can get an idea of what the majority of you would like. When answering the survey please keep in mind: t-shirts will have a v-neck collar, hoodies will be more expensive, and t-shirts will be the cheapest. If there is a high demand for two of the three options, we may sell both. Also, we are currently in the process of designing the print. Thank you.

Survey Link: Click Here!


Open House Sale

9:06 PM Unknown 2 Comments

We'll be selling snacks and beverages at Tech’s Open House to raise money for the club. If you would like to support us, you can bring items in to 7C1. Before leaving the snacks in our donation box labeled H.O.P.E. OPEN HOUSE DONATIONS make sure that you put your donations in a bag with a note stating your NAME, OSIS #, and the word “H.O.P.E.”
You can earn a maximum of 20 points through your donations.

Here is a list of items you can bring in along with its point value:
- Box of Cookies (i.e. Oreos, Chips Ahoy, Chocolate Chip, etc): 10 Points
- Box of Donuts: 10 Points
- Bag of Chocolate: 10 Points
- Granola Bars: 3 for 5 Points
- A pack of 24 water bottles: 20 Points
- A carton of 12 cans of soda: 20 points
When: October 19,2015 - October 20, 2015
NOTE: The box is actually a really big box that was originally used to put Cheerios. We are running low on boxes at the moment so we had to improvise! Sorry if we caused any inconvenience!