Summary + Instructions for Events this Weekend

6:51 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The following is a summary along with further instructions regarding the events this weekend. Remember to sign-in and sign-out at ALL events. 

*If you forgot which day you're helping for the Passport to Taiwan events, you can refer to the attached file. 

Instructions: When you arrive, make sure to look for an executive to sign-in before getting to work. 

Date: Saturday, May 21, 2016
Time: 12 P.M. - 6 P.M.
Location: Taiwan Union Christian Church, 3055 31st St, Astoria, NY 11102 (Take the N train to 30 Ave, walk south, and then when you reach the building just come around to the back through the side door)
Executive Contacts: Sandy Chan: 347-536-6854; Jennie Chen: 646-322-4019
*A bit of a change to the contact people, but make sure you have these numbers.


PASSPORT TO TAIWAN EVENT DAY: (Review attached Volunteer Guide)
Instructions: Check-in at the Volunteer Tent #45 (refer to Volunteer Guide) to get your items and then sign-in with an executive as well. Call/text us if you can't find us since we'll probably be helping with set-up or at another tent by the time you guys get there. 

*OPTIONAL: The P2TW Coordinators need people to help set-up at 8 A.M. so if you want to come early to help, please let us know by replying to this email so we can make note of it. 

Date: Sunday, May 22, 2016
Time: 9 A.M. - 6 P.M.
Location: Union Square North - E 17th Street & Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003
Executive Contacts: Sandy Chan: 347-536-6854Jacky Jiang: 347-636-9034
*A bit of a change to the contact people, but make sure you have these numbers.


Instructions: Meet near Chase Bank for sign-in/sign-outs unless otherwise specified on day of. 

Date: Sunday, May 22, 2016
Time: Shift 1: 8:30 A.M. - 2 P.M. 
Shift 2: 2 P.M. - 7 P.M. 
Location: Charlton Street (between Hudson & Greenwich Streets) 
Executive Contacts: Helen Ding: 917-891-2286; Henry Li: 929-888-1104


H.O.P.E. End-of-Year Party!!

6:25 PM Unknown 2 Comments

It's been quite the long year, but before it's over, let's have some FUN FUN FUN!! The H.O.P.E. End-of-Year Party is set for next Friday, May 27th! This will be one of the last big activities of the year. All the executives are graduating this year so we really want to make this memorable for everyone! We'll also be giving 20 points for attending. Check out the invitation attached for more information!! Credits to our Creative Coordinator, Wendy Lei, for designing the invitation as always and to our Event Coordinator, Bryan Khuu for being punny even until the end!

Tickets will be sold beginning on Monday, May 23rd to Thursday, May 26th during all lunch periods in the SGO store. This party is only for H.O.P.E. members, but if you want to bring guests who aren't H.O.P.E. members, please let us know! 

Whether you plan on attending the End-of-Year Party or not, please complete the relatively simple form (link provided below) so we can get an approximate of how much food to order to accommodate all of you!

Form Link: Click Here!

Thanks and we hope to see you all at the party!


CMA Kids Fair

9:53 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The Children's Museum of the Arts is having their 1st annual CMA Kids Fair, a free public outdoor event for children and families. We will be helping with the art workshops, supervising the inflatable bounce house, inflatable slide, and the use of the Herman Miller Spun Chairs, and assisting attendees. Both shifts involve helping with the progression of the fair, but Shift 1 includes set-up while Shift 2 includes breakdown. All volunteers will be provided with food and beverages. 

Since many of you are still in need of points, you MAY sign up for both shifts if you choose to, but do keep in mind that the hours will be VERY LONG

Note: The Passport to Taiwan Event Day is on the SAME day as this event so please do not sign up for this if you already signed up for that. 

Date: Sunday, May 22, 2016
Time: Shift 1: 8:30 A.M. - 2 P.M. (5.5 hours)
Shift 2: 2 P.M. - 7 P.M. (5 hours)
Location: Charlton Street (between Hudson & Greenwich Streets) --- Meet near Chase Bank for sign-in/sign-outs unless otherwise specified on day of. 
Google Maps: View!
Executive Contacts: Helen Ding: 917-891-2286; Henry Li: 929-888-1104
Points: 25
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up will open tomorrow, Wednesday, May 18th at 8 P.M. 


HODS Fifth Annual 5K Race

9:44 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The Halachic Organ Donor Society (HODS) is having their HODS Fifth Annual 5K Race to raise awareness about organ donation and save more lives. We will help setup, cheer and cleanup. 

Date: Sunday, May 15, 2016
Time: 8 A.M. - 3 P.M.
Location: Friends Field Park (Meet at the corner of Avenue L & East 4th Street)
Google Maps: View!
Contact Person: Bryan Khuu: 646-525-8553
Points: 30
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up is already open. 


Points Update

9:44 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Attached is the long-awaited points update. This was delayed due to a couple of issues, but on the bright side, all the points up until even yesterday's TFT Japan Day event have been updated. Feel free to contact us if you have any concerns regarding your points and good night! 


NYC Lung Force Walk

9:44 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The NYC Lung Force Walk, held by the American Lung Association, needs volunteers to help set-up and cheer for their walk. 

Note: You must complete the attached volunteer waiver (requires parent's signature) and bring it with you on the day of the event. 

Date: Saturday, May 14, 2016
Time: 7:30 A.M. - 2 P.M.
Location: South Street Seaport, Pier 16, New York, NY 10038
Google Maps: View Google Maps!
Contact Person: Jason Lieng: 646-329-4060
Points: 25
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up opens tonight at 10:30 P.M. 


Cafeteria Set-up & Breakdown for APs

9:43 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Mr. Palmer needs help with the set-up and breakdown of tables and chairs in the cafeteria next week for APs. Set-up is onTuesday, May 17th from 3:45 P.M. to 5:45 P.M. Breakdown is on Friday, May 20th from 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. Each day is 10 points. We will meet in the center section of the cafeteria for sign-ins and sign-outs. 

Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
The sign-up will open tonight, Wednesday, May 4th at 8 P.M. 


The Color Run - Queens

9:43 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The Color Run for Queens is here and this time around, we'll be volunteering on behalf of an organization known as Back on My Feet. Back on My Feet works to combat homelessness using the power of running, community support, and essential employment and housing resources. For each volunteer that we provide, The Color Run will donate $40 to the organization. We will help hand out water, rev the crowd at the finish festival, toss colors, and such. Position requests are based on a first-come first-served basis so if you want to work somewhere in particular such as at a Color Zone, you should come earlier. 

You will get a volunteer t-shirt when you arrive, but please wear closed-toe shoes and clothing that you don't mind getting colorful. 

Date: Saturday, May 7, 2016
Time: 7:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. 
Location: Citi Field, 123-01 Roosevelt Avenue, New York, NY 11368 ---- Enter through gates 16 or 17 at the area near the Home Run Apple on Mets Plaza on Roosevelt Avenue. We will meet at the blue Volunteer Check-In Tent near the Start and Finish Lines. You must check-in at the volunteer tent AND sign in/sign out with an executive present.  
Google Maps: View Google Maps!
Contact Person: Stanley Zhu: 917-513-3338; Sandy Chan: 347-536-6854
Points: 30
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up opens tomorrow, Tuesday, May 3rd at 7 P.M.