H.O.P.E. Second Generation Executive Board (2016-2017)

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H.O.P.E. Second Generation Executive Profiles

Title: President
Name: Courtney Tse
Nickname(s): Corny, Corntree, Court
Major: Chemical Engineering
Grade: 12th Grade
If you were a dessert, what would you be?
Three things you would bring to a deserted island:
A camera, fireworks, and a friend

Title: Vice President
Name: Elizabeth Eng
Nickname(s): Lizzy, Beef
Major: Biological Sciences
Grade: 12th Grade
If you were a dessert, what would you be?
Green Tea Ice cream BUT I DON'T WANT TO BE EATEN ><
Three things you would bring to a deserted island:
Metal Pot, fishing Pole, medicine

Title: Secretary
Name: Ka Po Leung
Nickname(s): Ka Pow, Ka Pon, Bobo
Major: Chemical Engineering
Grade: 11th Grade
If you were a dessert, what would you be?
Three things you would bring to a deserted island:

A boat, a map and fishing pole

Title: Treasurer
Name: Mohammed Sarker
Nickname(s): Momo
Major: Chemical Engineering
Grade: 12th Grade
If you were a dessert, what would you be?
I'd be mochi, cuz I'm fluffy
Three things you would bring to a deserted island:
My phone, a box of tissues, and a working Internet connection >_>

Title: Club Representative
Name: JiaMin (Ivy) Zhang
Nickname(s): Your Majesty, Queen B, Eevee, Oivy
Major: Law and Society
Grade: 12th Grade
If you were a dessert, what would you be?
Three things you would bring to a deserted island:
My mom, matches, water filter

Title: Club Representative
Name: Jasmine Lee
Nickname(s): J spicy, Jas
Major: Social Science Research
Grade: 11th Grade
If you were a dessert, what would you be?
Strawberry shortcake
Three things you would bring to a deserted island:
Water, tent, survival book

Title: Creative Coordinator
Name: Sharon Wong
Nickname(s): None
Major: Software Engineering
Grade: 12th Grade
If you were a dessert, what would you be?
Egg tart
Three things you would bring to a deserted island:
Cold brew, honey, a mate

Title: Event Coordinator
Name: Abdurrehman Sarfraz
Nickname(s): Abdur
Major: Environmental
Grade: 11th Grade
If you were a dessert, what would you be?
Three things you would bring to a deserted island:
Phone with music, headphones, and a sandwich

Title: Event Coordinator
Name: Alvin Lee
Nickname(s): Alvy, Alvina, Chipmunk, Alvino, Almond, Big Al, etc.
Major: Media
Grade: 11th Grade
If you were a dessert, what would you be?
A Lindt Truffle, hard on the outside and soft on the inside.
Three things you would bring to a deserted island:
A friend, Crafting Book and a fully fueled automated plane

Title: Event Coordinator
Name: Angela Xie
Nickname(s): Fake
Major: Applied Mathematics
Grade: 11th Grade
If you were a dessert, what would you be?
Red Velvet Whoopie Pie
Three things you would bring to a deserted island:

A portable charger (fully charged), a wire to charge my phone with and a 13 function pocket knife tool.

Title: Event Coordinator
Name: ChoYan Huang
Nickname(s): Cho
Major: Biological Sciences
Grade: 11th Grade
If you were a dessert, what would you be?
Ice Cream Mochi
Three things you would bring to a deserted island:
Phone for music, sketchbook and pencils

Title: Event Coordinator
Name: Tansy Zhou
Nickname(s): Should I have one? 😂😂
Major: Chemical Engineering
Grade: 12th Grade
If you were a dessert, what would you be?
A strawberry shortcake because it's spongy like me. 😆😆😆
If you can only take three items with you to a deserted island, what would you bring?
Wi-fi, my glasses cuz I'm blind, and a coffin just in case I don't make it :P