****Farewell From Us + Executive Board for Next Year!!****

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Our dearest H.O.P.E. members,
The school year has finally ended and we, the executives, are leaving as well! These years have been filled with bundles of cuteness, loads of memories and one heck of a bunch of smiles. Despite having to wake up to 5 A.M. alarms half the time, it was all still worth it in the end because YOU GUYS were there. We hope you guys were able to form new bonds and feel the happiness of volunteering with your clubmates!

To the people that we met and didn't meet, we hope that H.O.P.E. will continue to bring you guys joy and experiences that you wouldn't be able to gain elsewhere. Best of luck to you all and do know that WE LOVE ALL OUR HOPELINGS* (YOU GUYS) <3

*Side Note: In case anyone was wondering, 'hopeling' was derived from H.O.P.E. + darling [since I've had a habit of calling the 2nd gen (your executives next year) my darlings]. Please expect more quirkiness from the 2nd Generation Executive Board next year too! They're an 'interesting' bunch!

Thank you all for everything and don't ever forget that it's not just Tech that links us all together; H.O.P.E. will always connect us all on a deeper level!


Now, to introduce the Executive Board for next year----

H.O.P.E. 2nd Generation Executive Board (2016-2017)

President -  Courtney Tse
Vice President - Elizabeth Eng
Secretary - Ka Po Leung
Treasurer - Mohammed (Momo) Sarker
Club Representative - JiaMin (Ivy) Zhang
Club Representative - Jasmine Lee
Creative Coordinator - Sharon Wong
Event Coordinator - Abdurrehman (Abdur) Sarfraz
Event Coordinator - Alvin Lee
Event Coordinator - Angela Xie
Event Coordinator - ChoYan Huang
Event Coordinator - Tansy Zhou

Look forward to your mini adventures with them next year!


Farewell everyone and have a FABulous summer!

P.S. On the bright side, no more uber long emails! 

With love,
H.O.P.E. Executive Board

President: Sandy Chan
Vice President: Angela Fong
Secretary: Helen Ding
Treasurer: Joeyee Yan
Club Representative: Jennie Chen
Creative Coordinator (C2): Wendy Lei
Event Coordinators: Bryan Khuu, Henry Li, Jacky Jiang, Jason Lieng, Stanley Zhu & Venus He

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