Sakura Matsuri
One of the most anticipated events of the year, the Sakura Matsuri, is here! The 35th annual Sakura Matsuri celebrates Japanese culture through numerous activities ranging from tea ceremonies to live performances. As usual, we will be helping for both days of the cherry blossom festival by guiding and directing attendees at the different entrances of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Note: There are four different shifts (two per day). If you would like to help out for two shifts, you may only sign up for ONE SHIFT PER DAY (one shift Saturday & one shift Sunday). You cannot sign-up for two shifts that are on the same day.
Dates: Saturday, April 30, 2016 & Sunday, May 1, 2016
Times: Shift 1: 9:30 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
Shift 2: 1:50 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Location: Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 150 Eastern Parkway, 1000 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11225
Google Maps: View Google Maps!
Contact Person: Saturday - Sandy Chan: 347-536-6854; Wendy Lei: 917-215-8685; Jennie Chen: 646-322-4019
Sunday - Jacky Jiang: 347-636-9034; Jason Lieng: 646-329-4060
Points: 20 per shift (Max: 40 points for two shifts that are on different days)
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up will open tomorrow, Tuesday, April 26th at 7 P.M.