Sakura Matsuri

10:02 PM Unknown 0 Comments

One of the most anticipated events of the year, the Sakura Matsuri, is here! The 35th annual Sakura Matsuri celebrates Japanese culture through numerous activities ranging from tea ceremonies to live performances. As usual, we will be helping for both days of the cherry blossom festival by guiding and directing attendees at the different entrances of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. 

Note: There are four different shifts (two per day). If you would like to help out for two shifts, you may only sign up for ONE SHIFT PER DAY (one shift Saturday & one shift Sunday). You cannot sign-up for two shifts that are on the same day.

Dates: Saturday, April 30, 2016 & Sunday, May 1, 2016
Times: Shift 1: 9:30 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
Shift 2: 1:50 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.  
Location: Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 150 Eastern Parkway, 1000 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11225 
Google Maps: View Google Maps! 
Contact Person: Saturday - Sandy Chan: 347-536-6854; Wendy Lei: 917-215-8685; Jennie Chen: 646-322-4019 
Sunday - Jacky Jiang: 347-636-9034; Jason Lieng: 646-329-4060 
Points: 20 per shift (Max: 40 points for two shifts that are on different days)
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up will open tomorrow, Tuesday, April 26th at 7 P.M.


Passport to Taiwan - Food Preparation + Event Day

10:18 PM Unknown 1 Comments

The 15th annual Passport to Taiwan festival celebrates Taiwanese American Heritage Week with Taiwanese food and festivities. For the Food Preparation Day, we will simply be preparing the food items for the actual event day. On the Event Day, we will help set up, sell food, and clean up at the end. For both days, the event practically takes place at the same location. 

Please take notice that the hours are rather long for the Event Day in particular. This event doesn't occur until next month so make sure you are definitely free on the designated day before signing up.

*Note: You may only sign up to help for ONE DAY (either Food Preparation or Event Day). 

Date: Food Preparation: Saturday, May 21, 2016
Event Day: Sunday, May 22, 2016
Time: Food Preparation: 12 P.M. - 6 P.M. (6 hours)
Event Day: 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. (9 hours)
Location: Food Preparation: Union Square North - E 17th Street & Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003
Event Day: Union Square Park (Specifics to be detailed in a future email as event nears)
Google Maps: Food Preparation: View Google Maps!
Event Day: View Google Maps!
Contact Person: Food Preparation - Sandy Chan: 347-536-6854; Jacky Jiang: 347-636-9034
Event Day - Sandy Chan: 347-536-6854; Jennie Chen: 646-322-4019
Points: Food Preparation: 25
Event Day: 40
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up will open tomorrow, Friday, April 22nd at 7 P.M.


March for Babies

10:11 PM Unknown 0 Comments

March of Dimes works to prevent birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality in order to ensure that babies are brought to this world in good health. We will be cheering at the March for Babies as walkers pass by. There will be four teams for the cheer squad. Please sign up under the location that you would like to cheer at. 

Date: Sunday, April 24, 2016
Time: 7:30 A.M. - 11:30 A.M.
Location: Volunteer Check-In Tent at West 62nd Street & Columbus Avenue (by Fordham University Lincoln Center)
Google Maps: View Google Maps!
Contact Person: 65th Street Transverse - Jacky Jiang: 347-636-9034
65th Street & Lexington Avenue - Jason Lieng: 646-329-4060
59th Street & Lexington Avenue - Bryan Khuu: 646-525-8553
53rd Street & Lexington Avenue - Henry Li: 929-888-1104
Points: 20 
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up will open tonight, Tuesday, April 19th at 8 P.M.


Parkinson's Unity Walk

9:36 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The Parkinson's Unity Walk serves as a method for raising awareness and funds for the research of the Parkinson's disease, which affects a person's daily lifestyle. We will act as part of the Welcome Crew where we'll be assigned to an entrance to welcome and direct the participants.

*Note: You must complete the attached volunteer waiver (requires parent's signature) and bring it with you on the day of the event. In the section that says "I’m volunteering with this Group/Company/Organization," write "H.O.P.E." and in the area that says "Volunteer area I’m assigned to," write "Welcome Crew."

The files for the Job Description and Event Location Directions are also attached. 

Date: Saturday, April 23, 2016
Time: 7:30 A.M. - 11 A.M.
Location: Volunteer Check-In Tent at Central Park, 72nd Street Naumburg Bandshell - Use the 72nd Street entrances at Fifth Avenue (East Side) or Central Park West (West Side)
Contact Person: Bryan Khuu: 646-525-8553
Points: 20
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up is already open.


Alex's Lemonade Stand

12:03 AM Unknown 1 Comments

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation is an organization dedicated to finding a cure for all childhood cancers. They have been doing everything they can to help speed up the progress to finding these cures, as well as develop resources for childhood cancer heroes and their families as they battle the disease. 

In addition to funding cutting-edge research and making new treatments available to children with cancer, they are one of the only national charities that funds pediatric oncology nursing research and grants, which is a program designed to help improve the quality of life and care as children battle cancer. We are asking you guys to help raise money to help this organization reach its goal to hopefully one day find a cure for all childhood cancers. 

$50 will fund one hour of research. $400 will fund one day of research. $2000 will fund a week of research. $8,000 will pay for an entire month of research. Let's see how much we can raise together!
If you are interested in fundraising for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, you can pick up your very own Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation’s Donation Box at room 7C1. The boxes will be on Ms. Yvette’s desk (the desk to your right hand side as you walk into the room).
Make sure to write your name and OSIS # on the box. You can earn up to a maximum of 20 points by raising $10.

You can pick up the donation box starting tomorrow, Monday, April 18th. We will collect the donations on Wednesday, April 20th and Thursday, April 21st. On Wednesday, we will be outside of room 7C1 from the beginning of 9th period to 3:45 P.M. On Thursday, you can hand in your donations outside of room 7C1 from the beginning of 9th period to 3 P.M. and at the general meeting after 10th period. 

Thank you!


General - Thursday, April 21st

12:02 AM Unknown 0 Comments

We will be having a general meeting this Thursday, April 21st in the auditorium after 10th period. As always, please make sure to swipe in. See you guys then!


Charity Race

12:01 AM Unknown 0 Comments

The Foundation for Letters works to promote literacy by providing schools with help in developing their enrichment programs. We will be helping at their 4th Annual Charity Race by setting up and cheering.

Date: Sunday, April 17, 2016
Time: 6 A.M. - 10 A.M. 
Location: Prospect Park - Bandshell Picnic Tables
Google Maps: View Google Maps!
Contact Person: Henry Li: 929-888-1104
Points: 20
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up is already open.


Walk for Kids Growth

12:01 AM Unknown 0 Comments

The Human Growth Foundation is having their 4th annual Walk for Kids Growth to increase awareness for childhood growth disorders and the importance of early detection and treatment. The walk will help raise funds for research, education, and patient support. We will set up, guide the walkers, help with face painting, carnival games, stage works, and the breakdown of the event.

Please be advised that there are service changes on the 7 train this weekend so plan accordingly. 

Date: Saturday, April 16, 2016
Time: 9 A.M. - 2:30 P.M.
Location: Flushing Meadows Corona Park - Meet at the location designated on the Google Maps link
Google Maps: View Google Maps!
Contact Person: Angela Fong: 917-863-3083; Jennie Chen: 646-322-4019
Points: 25
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up is already open and will close tomorrow, Friday, April 15th at 8 P.M.


Sweets for Seniors

12:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Many of you guys might have already heard of an event we do for the seniors of Brooklyn Tech known as Sweets for Seniors. For those who are have not heard of this, we will describe this event briefly- As a way of appreciating the senior class's efforts through four long years at Tech and celebrating the remainder of their time here, we will be giving out goodie bags filled with candy and/or chocolate, to seniors sometime in June, but we can't do this without your help. 

You can contribute by donating bags of candy and/or chocolate of at least 10 ounces. Each bag will be worth 5 points, with the maximum you can earn being 20 points. Collection will begin Friday, April 15th and end Tuesday, April 19th

Donations and a paper that has your name, OSIS, and H.O.P.E. (as well as any other participating clubs listed below) should be placed within a bag and brought to room 7C1. Please place the bag in the box labeled "Sweets for Seniors." Other clubs participating in this include NHS, Key Club and Red Cross. The point system will be the same for all the clubs. 


Purple Stride 5K Run & Concern Spring Run

12:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

We have two events for you guys this Saturday. One is the Purple Stride 5K Run and the other is the Concern Spring Run. Please sign up for the one that you would like to attend. Information for both are listed below. The sign-ups will open tomorrow at different times. Note that you cannot sign up for both events since they occur at around the same times. Also, make sure to dress warmly. 

Purple Stride 5K Run

The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network hopes to double pancreatic cancer survival by raising $200 million by 2020 to help with the diagnosis and research for this disease. We will be helping with registration and clean-up at their annual Purple Stride 5K Run. Please read through the safety guidelines (attached) for the event day as well.

Date: Saturday, April 9, 2016
Time: 6:30 A.M. - 12 P.M.
Location: Prospect Park - Nethermead East (Allow for a 20-minute walk from the entrance of Prospect Park to Nethermead East, which is marked with the "Wage Hope" emblem on the attached map)
Google Maps: View Google Maps!
Contact Person: Bryan Khuu: 646-525-8553; Jason Lieng: 646-329-4060
Points: 30 
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up will open tomorrow, Wednesday, April 6th at 7 P.M.

Concern Spring Run

Concern Worldwide US works to eliminate poverty, fear, and oppression so people can have more opportunities offered to them. The 4 mile Concern Spring Run helps raise awareness and funds to help them achieve this goal. We will be assisting in water stations and as safety marshals. Bagels and t-shirts will be provided, but on a first-come first-served basis.

NOTE: You must complete the VOLUNTEER WAIVER attached in order to attend this event. Be sure to bring it on the DAY OF the event. 

Date: Saturday, April 9, 2016
Time: 7 A.M. - 11:30 A.M.
Location: Central Park - 102nd Street and 5th Avenue (Inside)
Take the 6 train to 96th Street or 110th Street (the 103rd Street Station is closed), walk to 102nd Street, and then 3 blocks west to 5th Avenue. Enter the park at 102nd Street and 5th Avenue. Continue along the path into the park until you reach East drive where you will see Concern Worldwide's check-in and registration area. 
Google Maps: View Google Maps!
Contact Person: Joeyee Yan: 646-215-0175
Points: 25
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up will open tomorrow, Wednesday, April 6th at 8 P.M.


Pillow Fight Cleanup

11:59 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Newmindspace will be having another Pillow Fight this year where the pillows will be donated to Dare2B, an organization that fights child poverty homelessness in NYC. We'll collect, sort, count, and bag pillows. 

Date: Saturday, April 2, 2016 (TOMORROW)
Time: 4:30 P.M. - 6:30 P.M.
Location: Washington Square Park, 5 Avenue, Waverly Place, West 4th and MacDougal Streets, New York, NY 10003 (MEET AT THE ARCH)
Google Maps: Click Here to Check Google Maps!
Contact Person: Venus He: 646-339-8278
Points: 15
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up opens tonight at 6 P.M. and closes at 9 P.M. 


TFT Japan Day

11:59 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Table for Two will be handing out Harvest Snaps and Shrimp chips at Japan Day again this year. For each bag that we manage to distribute, Harvest Snaps will donate 25 cents to Table for Two to provide school meals for children in need in the U.S. and East Africa. We'll only need a few hands so each person may only sign up for ONE SHIFT. Lunch will be provided.

*Note: Please keep in mind that this event does not occur until MAY, so sign up only if you are POSITIVE that you can attend. 

Date: Sunday, May 8, 2016
Time: Shift 1: 8 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. 
Shift 2: 11:30 A.M. - 4 P.M. 
Location: Central Park (Exact location to be announced in a future email)
Contact Person: Sandy Chan: 347-536-6854
Points: 20 per shift
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up opens tonight, March 29th at 7 P.M. and closes at 9 P.M.


Room to Read

11:58 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Over 250 million children around the world are failing to achieve basic literacy skills, and more than two thirds of the illiterate population are women and girls. Room to Read is dedicated to promoting and enabling education through programs focused on literacy and gender equality in education. The organization believes that all children, regardless of gender or background, have a right to education.
We are asking you all to help fundraise for Room to Read. Your donations will go towards raising awareness, building schools, establishing school libraries, as well as training teachers on literacy education.
We will be fundraising beginning TOMORROW, TUESDAY, MARCH 29TH to THURSDAY, MARCH 31ST. Please put the collected donations in an envelope along with the completed donation form (file attached) and bring it to room 7C1 where there will be a H.O.P.E. Executive outside the room from 9th period until 3:45 P.M. each day. DO NOT give the donations to anyone other than a H.O.P.E. Executive.
The clubs listed below will be offering points for fundraising. Some clubs will not be giving partial credit, but that will be mentioned in parentheses. Please read carefully.
- H.O.P.E. & Red Cross: $5 = 10 points
- NHS & CSA: $10 = 15 points (No partial credit)
- BETA, Outreach & Interact Club: $5 = 10 points OR $10 = 20 points (No partial credit will be given, i.e. if you raise $6, you will only receive 10 points)
- Key Club: $1 = 1 point (Max = 20 points)


Positivity Week

11:58 PM Unknown 0 Comments

We believe that everyday should be filled with positivity so in order to stress the importance of it, we are going to fill the upcoming week of school with positivity! There will be different activities everyday for Positivity Week from Monday, March 21st to Thursday, March 24th during all lunch periods in the center section of the cafeteria outside room 7C1.

Everyone who participates will receive a Positivity Card. For each activity that you participate in, you will receive a stamp. By participating in the activities for Day 1, you can receive two stamps, one for writing what makes you smile, and a second for writing something that you love. The activities for Day 2, 3 and 4 will all be one stamp each. Anyone who gets ALL FIVE STAMPS will get a mini prize on Monday, March 28th in the center section of the cafeteria during your lunch periods. Make sure to write your name, OSIS #, and the participating clubs that you are in if you would like to receive points for those clubs. You MUST hand in your Positivity Cards to a H.O.P.E. 1st or 2nd Generation Executive on Monday, March 28th in order to receive points for your clubs. EVERYONE is welcome to participate!

The following is a description of the activities for each day of the week:

DAY 1 (MONDAY): What makes you SMILE? What do you LOVE?
-- There will be yellow and pink post-its available. On the yellow post-it, write down something that makes you smile and on the pink post-it, write down something/someone (family, friends) that you love. Show your post-its to those supervising the activities for each lunch period to receive your stamp. Afterwards, put your post-it on the board.

DAY 2 (TUESDAY): Blow your PROBLEMS away!
-- General problems that everyone may be facing will be written on a poster. Put a tally mark under the problem(s) that you are currently dealing with. You will notice that many people are facing the same difficulties as you and that you are not alone! Afterwards, you will get a mini balloon. Blow the balloon to blow your problems away!

DAY 3 (WEDNESDAY): TECH connects us all!
-- Many of us want to travel to other places around the world. Mark the place where you want to go on the world map with a pin, which will be provided, and see where everyone else wants to go as well. Even if we all want to go to different places, remember that no matter where we are, we'll always be connected by Tech!

-- Counter negativity on social media with words of kindness instead. Give a compliment to a specific person (a friend or even someone that you don't normally talk to), advice to the general audience, or just any words of kindness to those around you. 
Go on our Facebook event page (link provided below) for Positivity Week to find the Google Form to submit words of kindness on Wednesday night. Submissions will all be posted beginning on Thursday. Everything will remain anonymous! Only H.O.P.E. Executives will have access to the names of the people who submitted the words in order to award the final stamp on the Positivity Cards on Monday, March 28th.

Positivity Week Facebook Event Page: Click Here!

-- H.O.P.E.: 5 points per stamp (Maximum: 25)

-- BETA: 5 points per stamp (Maximum: 20)
-- Key Club: 2 points per stamp (Maximum: 10)
-- NHS: 3 points per stamp (Maximum: 15)
-- Outreach: 2 points per stamp (Maximum: 10)
-- Red Cross: 5 points per stamp (Maximum: 25)

Spread the positivity everyone!