Exit the Body - Fall Play

9:42 PM Unknown 26 Comments

Hello everyone

We will be giving 5 points to those who attend this year’s fall play, “Exit the Body” on Thursday, December 1st. Please meet executive Mohammed at the fireplace in front of the auditorium before and after the fall play for sign-ins and sign-outs.

Thank you everyone :) 


Google Groups

2:23 PM Unknown 7 Comments

Hey guys!

We would like to remind you all that we will begin adding emails into our Google Group mailing list. Google groups allow us to send multiple emails to a large group of people on the same day without ever encountering email sending limits. Another fun fact about Google groups is that it is also an online forum which will allow you to see our posts in a more organized fashion. Emails have to be manually added by the owner (which is us) so please be patient with this process. 

Once you have been added to our google groups, you should receive an email from BTHS H.O.P.E. titled "You have been added to BTHS H.O.P.E." That will be your confirmation email. If you do not receive that email over the Thanksgiving Break, email us at bthshope@gmail.com and we will fix the situation as soon as possible. 

Also remember that this is a new system we are using so things may be a little shaky at first so before anything drastic happens, sorry and thank you for cooperating!!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


Updates & Event Conduct

10:38 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Hey guys,


  1. Thanks to YOU GUYS, we managed to collect 5 boxes and 2 bags of goods for the Thanksgiving drive! GOOD JOB EVERYBODY!

  1. The school will be hosting a Mannequin challenge tomorrow, after tenth period at the center section of the cafeteria! If you are interested, definitely go and participate! (Y’all should also wear your H.O.P.E. gear *wink wink*) Feel free to visit this Facebook page for more info: Click Here!

  1. There has been a lot of confusion concerning sign-ins and sign-outs during PTC. If you did not sign-in at the SE section of the cafeteria, that is fine. We will give points according to the exit tickets so as long you have handed in one of those, you are fine.

  1. During our mandatory meeting, we have briefly touched upon a new emailing system called Google groups. More information on that will be sent before the Thanksgiving break.

  1. Lastly, we would just like to remind everyone that during events, you are to sign-in and to sign-out with an EXECUTIVE ONLY. Please remember that executives are volunteers as well and while you may be finished with your work, the executives may still be in the process of finishing theirs. If you are unable to find any executives at the event, try contacting them using the phone number(s) PROVIDED FOR THE EVENT or wait until they comes back. We can rest assure you all that an executive will always be present at the appointed time for sign-outs. We want to ensure that everyone gets to the event safely and leaves the event safely. That’s is one of the primary reasons why sign-ins and sign-outs were created.

That is all and enjoy the rest of the week!


Goddard Riverside Community Center Book Fair

10:46 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Hello everyone,

Just a reminder that the Goddard Riverside Community Center Book Fair will be taking place this Saturday and Sunday. Please come through the 593 Columbus Avenue door for sign-ins and sign-outs. Don’t be late! Attached is the volunteer list so make sure you know which shift you are going to!

There has also been a change of contact people. PLEASE NOTE THIS.

Saturday - Courtney Tse: 347 - 636 - 8905
Sunday - Alvin Lee: 917-618-9786

Bye bye!


Children Holiday Party

10:44 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Hey guys,

We will be volunteering at the Variety the Children’s Charity of New York Children Holiday Party that welcomes over 600 children from local shelters, hospitals, and community organizations to participate in a day filled with arts, crafts, entertainment, food, delicious treats, and overall merry spirits. There are four stations you can choose from: Temporary Tattoo Station, Craft Station, Face Painting, and Food server.

Complimentary Breakfast, pizza, and SNACKS will be provided! (In shorter words, FREE FOOD.)
Spots are limited for this event but don’t worry guys, we have a special surprise for our next event. :)

Date: Saturday, December 3rd, 2016
Time: 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Location: 21-12 30th Road, Long Island City, NY 11102
Google Maps: View Google Maps!
Contact Person: Elizabeth Eng: 917-757-5836
Points: 30
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up will open tonight at 9 P.M.


Thanksgiving Drive

10:22 PM Unknown 24 Comments

Hey guys,

Does everybody remember the lady in room 7C1 that takes care of all you hours and club credits? That’s Mrs. Yvette and she has come to us with a mission! She will be volunteering at a Thanksgiving Community Dinner hosted by the Supporting Hands Society. This dinner will feed families that currently live in shelters and they plan to donate all their remaining food to victims of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti. We will be hosting a THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE to help out!

MAX. POINTS = 20 (1 item = 5 points)

You may bring the following uncooked items:
- Canned Goods
- Pasta (at least 10 oz)
- Macaroni (at least 6 oz)
- Stuffing (at least 6 oz)
- Mash Potatoes
- Utensils (Napkins, Forks, Plates, Spoons, Cups 100 pack)

Please place your items in a bag with a note stating your NAME, OSIS and H.O.P.E., and leave it in the donation box labeled H.O.P.E. Donations in room 7C1.

Collection Dates: November 18th, 2016 - November 22nd, 2016.
P.S. We heard that target and stop & shop have amazing deals on these items! *wink wink*


Fall Parent Teacher Conferences

8:59 PM Unknown 3 Comments

Hello everyone!

We will be working at the Fall Parent Teacher Conferences! The two dates for PTC are November 17th from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM and November 18th from 12:30 PM to 2:50 PM. H.O.P.E. club will be joining forces with NHS and Key club for this in-school event. This event will be worth 20 points for EACH day you help out. Please wear Tech attire throughout the course of the event.

You will sign up for the teacher of your choice directly on the mysignup link. This means that you have immediately chosen the teacher that you will stay with for the duration of the conference. Rooms of teachers will be told either during the day of the event or in a future email.

NOTE: Since this event is mandatory for NHS members, you may see names already on the sheet. Please sign for a spot that has not been taken.

Sign-In: Swipe in at the SE section of the cafeteria at 4:30 PM on Thursday and 12:00 PM on Friday, depending on the day(s) you signed up for. At sign-in, you will take an exit ticket that must be filled out and returned at the end of the event. After taking the ticket, please proceed to your job at the appropriate time.

Sign-out: In order to sign-out you must go to the northeast exit (first floor) and return your completed exit ticket to an executive. There is no scanning or checking from a list for sign-out. You must exit the building when you hand in your ticket. Please remember to circle H.O.P.E. on your ticket. You will only receive points for ONE club through participation at this event. Sign-outs will take place at 8:30 PM on Thursday and 4:00 PM on Friday, depending on the day(s) you signed up for.

Jobs during event:
You can only sign up for one job each day and you are not subject to the same job both days.
A. Elevator Monitor
During the duration of the event day's time you will be taking parents and students to their desired floors. Keep in mind that you would be in charge of an elevator card/key so failure to return the elevator card/key at the end of the event would result in serious consequences.
B. Translator
You will aid families in translating during meetings with teachers and possibly assist families in navigating the school.
Languages needed: Chinese (preferably well-versed in Mando and Canto), Spanish, Urdu, Bengali, and Russian.
C. Teacher's assistant
You will stay outside of your designated teacher's room and aid them in whatever they may need. Teachers tend to ask students to monitor parents and keep track of time per meeting.
D. Dinner Set up
After tenth period you will help set up the dinner for teachers.

Sign-Up Link: Click Here!

Thank you everyone!


H.O.P.E. Mandatory Meeting Overview & Club Information

8:34 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Hey guys,
First off, we would like to thank you all for being such a wonderful bunch at the meeting. Please email us pictures of you and your sprouts! (bthshope@gmail.com) We love to feature them at our instagram!

Here is an overview of our meeting. Please read all the points below for they are VERY important.

What is H.O.P.E.?
H.O.P.E. club is a community service club in Brooklyn Technical High School that focuses on providing help and happiness to many different causes and communities in need. In order to accomplish the goal of our club, we help our fellow students find and participate in various volunteer opportunities, make contributions to many different organizations, and plan many creative events that will hopefully make a huge impact in their lives. We hope that our efforts will be able to enlighten our peers about our community and help them create fun memories that will last a lifetime.

We have meetings throughout the year and they usually take place on a Thursday, once a month, in the auditorium after 10th period. We have two different types of meetings: General and Mandatory. General meetings generally last approximately 10 - 15 minutes long and are worth 10 points. Those who do not attend will not receive any point deductions for these meetings are optional. Mandatory meetings are, as it’s title implies, MANDATORY. They generally last longer and are also worth 10 points. However, failure to attend these meetings will result to a 15 point deduction.

Points + Club Credits Community Service Hours
Our club gives out 16 club credits to members who fulfill our 200 point requirement. We use the point system to keep track of the amount of work you have done in this club. Members can receive points by participating in volunteering events, fundraisers, drives, in-school events, and more. Partial club credit will still be rewarded but they will be given based on the amount of points you earned. Point updates will be sent throughout the year. Community service hours can be earned by attending events that are outside of school and usually on weekends. The amount of hours you receive corresponds with the amount of hours you volunteered for. All letters of community service will be given at the end of the year. Normally, you would have to give one copy to Ms. Yvette in room 7C1 and one copy to your guidance counselor, but we take care of the hours you earn through H.O.P.E. for 7C1. You will only need to give a copy to you guidance counselor.

Events + In-School Events + Fundraisers + Drives + Donations
Since we are a community service club, most of our events will obviously take place outside of school. We participate in many events such as galas, food pantries, carnivals, festivals and more. We also host many in-school events, fundraisers, drives, and donations. Those are simple ways for those who are usually busy during weekends to earn points during school hours. We will also be hosting a mandatory fundraiser during the middle of the school year but more details will be sent out when the date approaches. Emails, facebook posts, and website posts with the necessary information will be sent out each time an activity is released.

MySignUps + Google Forms
We generally use a site called MySignUp where members can click a spot and fill in their name, OSIS #, email, phone number, and occasionally t-shirt size to sign up for an event. The link to the MySignUp is always provided in the email along with all the details for the event. The MySignUp will open and close at a certain date/time so it is imperative for members to complete all necessary information accurately within that time limit. Once the MySignUp closes, anyone who suddenly has an emergency and cannot attend the event must email us at bthshope@gmail.com. (For more information, go to “Request for Excusals”) If the event is unlimited, we will send out a Google Form instead. When signing up, members are to input their FIRST AND LAST NAME and provide us the correct OSIS number. There has been an issue where members have been inputting their phones numbers as OSIS numbers. It is imperative that we obtain your OSIS numbers for that is the number we use to input points and hours for record keeping. There has also been an issue where members have been signing up for multiple spots. You may not sign up for multiple spots under your name. WE WILL BEGIN REMOVING SPOTS. If you wish to reserve spots for a friend, please ensure that all their information is accurate before the signup closes.

Request for Excusal
If you are unable to attend an event or a meeting, you must email us at bthshope@gmail.com with the subject titled, “Request for Excusal” and your name, OSIS, and the reason why you are unable to attend in the context. If your reason gets approved, you will not receive any point deductions. You will get a response to your email in regards to whether or not there will be point deductions. ONLY VALID EXCUSES WILL BE ACCEPTED. If you have a doctor’s appointment, please provide us with a picture of your doctor’s note. Failure to send us a “Request for Excusal” will result to point deductions. You will lose the same amount of points the event is worth if you do not show up at the event you have signed up for and lose 15 points if you do not show up to a mandatory meeting.

Waiting List
The waiting list allows those who did not get a spot on the MySignUp sheet a chance to go to events as a substitute. We will not have a waiting list for every event but for selected events. The waiting list, which will be in google form format, will be sent out a few days AFTER signup closes. Even if you fill out the form, it does NOT guarantee you a spot at the event. Substitutes will be notified through email as soon as a person who has signed up on the sheet tell us that she/he is unable to go. You must reply within 24 hours to guarantee spot at this event or else we will move on to the next person on the list.

At least one executive will always be present to take attendance at events. You must sign in and sign out with an executive at the beginning and end of each event to receive the points and community service hours. If you fail to either sign in or sign out, you will not get any points or hours. For meetings, your attendance will be taken through the swipe-in machines at the entrance in the center section. Make sure to swipe-in or you will not receive the points you deserve.

Coinciding Events
Since there are a number of volunteer clubs in Tech, there will be times where other clubs will have the same events as H.O.P.E. However, if you sign up to help out at an event for another club, please don't sign up for the same event for H.O.P.E. as well. You will not get points and hours for both clubs unless otherwise stated. For some events/activities, such as Treats for Teachers and the past Relay for Life event, you will be able to earn points for all the participating clubs you're in.

Conduct in Events
When you sign up and attend an event, you are basically making a promise to the organization that you will help them get the necessary tasks done. While we encourage everyone to have fun at our events, all members must still exhibit good behavior.

Google Groups
Google groups is a system that allows us to send multiple emails to a large group of people without having to hit the email limit. Everyone should be in our google group within the next two weeks. Email confirmations from our google groups server will be sent out to each person to notify that you are in our official mailing list.

Email Problems
There has been a few people who have not been receiving emails. There are three possible reason why:
  1. You did not fill out the application
  2. You did not provide us the correct email
  3. It is a mistake on our part
If you are not receiving any emails or if a friend is not receiving any emails, please email us at bthshope.gmail.com so we may resolve this issue ASAP.

H.O.P.E. Merchandise
Hoodie designs are estimated to come out sometime in December. So to those who wish to purchase a hoodie, we would like to ask you to please wait a little while longer! We would also like to thank those who purchased the bean sprouts. If you were not able to purchase them today, you will have other opportunities later in the year to do so!

Goddard Riverside Community Book Fair - November 19th & November 20th
Parent Teacher Conference - November 17th & November 18th

Remember to join our facebook group, and follow us on instagram if you haven’t! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to email us at bthshope@gmail.com! Thank you everyone who has attended our meeting and have a wonderful three day break!



8:33 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Hello everybody!
Many of you have seen execs wearing sprouts on their heads, right? Well, you can have one too!
After tomorrow’s mandatory meeting, we will be selling BEAN SPROUT HAIR CLIPS at the tables outside the auditorium.
YAY!!!!!! You cannot officially call yourself a H.O.P.E. member without these! ← (That is a joke!)  
Each sprout cost $1 and is worth 5 points each! You may buy as many sprouts as you want but the maximum amount of points you will receive is 20.

Thank you and we H.O.P.E. to see you tomorrow!


Mandatory - Thursday, November 10th

7:39 PM Unknown 20 Comments

Hey guys,

We will be having our very first mandatory meeting this Thursday, November 10th, in the auditorium after 10th period. Failure to attend this meeting will result in a 15 point deduction. All members must enter the auditorium through the center section and SWIPE IN. The results from the swipe-in machines will be used to count attendance.

If you are unable to attend Thursday’s meeting, you must email us at bthshope@gmail.com with the subject titled, “Request for Excusal” and your name, OSIS, and the reason why you are unable to attend in the context. If your reason gets approved, you will not receive any point deductions.

P.S. We were notified by the Friends of Corlear Hook Park that two coat jackets were left behind after the event that occurred this Sunday. If one of them happens to be your jacket, email us for more information on how to retrieve them.

Thank you everyone and see you there!


Relay for Life Kick Off

8:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hey guys,

Relay for life would like to invite you to participate in their kick-off event! They work year-long to support the American Cancer Society. You will be able to learn more about their organization and how you can help fight cancer through research and prevention. Admission is FREE and there will be entertainment, prizes, and snacks. We will be giving out points to those who attend. Please meet executive Elizabeth Eng outside the auditorium for sign-ins and sign-outs.

Date: Wednesday, November 9th, 2016
Time: 4 P.M. - Around 6 P.M.
Location: BTHS Auditorium
Points: 10 Point

See you there!


Friends of Corlears Hook Park Annual It’s My Park Fall Clean-Up!

7:56 PM Unknown 21 Comments


The Friends of Corlears Hook Park annual It’s My Park Fall Clean-Up event has finally been rescheduled! Just a reminder that volunteer tasks includes planting daffodil bulbs, weeding, and raking leaves. They will provide the necessary garden tools, snacks, and lunch, for us but be sure to wear clothes you do not mind getting dirty!

*Take the J, M, F trains or the M21, M22 and M14A buses to reach the park. It is located just south of the Williamsburg Bridge at the corner of Jackson and Cherry Streets.*

Date: Sunday, November 6th, 2016
Time: 11:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Location: Corlears Hook Park, 397 FDR Drive, New York, NY 10002
Google Maps: View Google Maps!
Contact Person: Courtney Tse: 347-636-8905
Points: 25
Sign-Up Link: Click Me!
*The sign-up will open tonight at 9 P.M.


Goddard Riverside Community Center Book Fair

7:55 PM Unknown 0 Comments


The Goddard Riverside Community Center will be hosting its 30th Annual Book Fair throughout the month of November. The money raised will be used to support the families, children, and the communities they serve. In this fair, people will have the opportunity to purchase brand new books at discounts of 50% or more.

This will be a two-day event:
NOVEMBER 19TH, 2016 & NOVEMBER 20TH, 2016 - BOOK FAIR - Volunteers will be selling the books to customers and raising money for the center. We will also be assisting with breakdown on Sunday.

**Please put your OSIS number in the correct slot**

**Since this event will be taking place in 1-2 weeks, please ensure you will be available. If you are unable to undo your spot before the signup closes, please send us a “Request for Excusal” to bthshope@gmail.com with your name, osis and the reason why you will not be able to attend**

** Please be considerate and sign up for only 1 shift**

Date & Time:
Saturday, November 19th, 2016
SHIFT 1: 9 AM - 2 PM
SHIFT 2: 1:30 PM - 6 PM
Sunday, November 20th, 2016
SHIFT 1: 10 AM - 3 PM
SHIFT 2: 2:30 PM - 7 PM
Location: Goddard Riverside Community Center 593 Columbus Avenue (88th Street), New York, NY 10024
Google Maps: View Google Maps!
Contact Person:
Saturday, November 19th, 2016 - Momo Sarker: 1718- 344-2150
Sunday, November 20th, 2016 - Courtney Tse: 347-636-8905
Points: 25 points each shift
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!