Color Run Tropicolor World Tour

7:45 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Hey guys!

The Color Run Tropicolor World Tour will be making a stop in Brooklyn, NY! Known to be the “Happiest 5K on the Planet”, the Color Run is a paint race that helps provide happiness and healthiness by bringing communities together. Some of our tasks include handing out water, revving up the crowd at the finish festival, tossing color, and more!

Date: Saturday, September 3rd, 2016
Time: 7:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.
Location: Aviator Sports and Events Center, 3159 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11234
Google Maps: View Google Maps!
Executive Contacts: Ka Po Leung: 646-659-8480, Abdurrehman Sarfraz: 347-605-8974
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!

** Because this is a summer event, NO points will be given but this is a good opportunity to gain community service hours


Freshman Orientation

7:46 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hey guys,
Mr. Kaelin needs people to help out on Thursday, September 8th at the Freshman Orientation that will take place during prefect. Instead of reporting to their prefect classrooms, volunteers are to report to the auditorium. If you are helping out, your prefect materials will be delivered and given to you during the event.
Date: Thursday, September 8th, 2016
Time: 7:30 A.M. - End of Prefect (approx. 9)
Location: Auditorium
Executive Contact: Ka Po Leung: 646-659-8480
Points: 15
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!


ROC Race

7:41 PM Unknown 3 Comments

Hey guys,

Formerly known as the WIPEOUTRUN, the Ridiculous Obstacle Challenge (ROC Race) is a game show-inspired 5K obstacle course featuring the famous Wrecking Balls, The Sweeper, The Hippo, and more! Volunteers will perform a variety of tasks including obstacle support, check-in/registration, water stations, motivation throughout the course and more!

NOTE: This is your first chance to receive points for the school year!!! :) :) :)

1. ALL volunteers are required to print, complete, and bring with them the ROC 2016 Waiver in order to check-in for their shift.

2. Any volunteers UNDER THE AGE OF 18 need to print, complete w/parent or guardian signature, and bring with them the Minor Waiver to check-in for their shift.

ANOTHER NOTE: The sign up form will close once it receives 40 submissions. If you would like the participate at this event, please submit the form as soon as possible. Thank you.

Date: Saturday, September 10th, 2016
Time: 11:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
Location: Aviator Sports and Events Center, 3159 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11234
Google Maps: View Google Maps!
Executive Contacts: Courtney Tse: 347-636-8905, Alvin Lee: 917-618-9786
Points: 25 points
Sign-Up Link: Click Here!

ROC 2016 Waiver: Click Me!


Battery Dance Festival 2016

8:12 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Hey guys!!
I H.O.P.E. you're all having a fun summer and that you're ready for our very first event! We will be volunteering for the 35th annual Battery Dance Festival. This festival allows choreographers and local artists to perform and showcase their works to New York audiences.
There will be multiple jobs assigned to the volunteers such as: handing out playbills, controlling the crowd, selling merchandise, setting up tents/chairs, and assisting in other activities. We will need 8 volunteers for each day of the festival.
A free T-shirt, cap, and water will be provided.

DATE: Sunday, August 14th, 2016 - Friday, August 19th, 2016
**Sunday, August 14th ONLY
Shift 1: 10:00am-3:00pm
Shift 2: 3:00pm- 7:00pm
Monday, August 15th-Friday,August 19th: 3:00pm- 7:00pm
Location: Robert F Wagner Junior Park, 20 Battery Place, New York, NY 10280
Google Maps: View Google Maps!
Contact People:
Sun, August 14th - Tansy Zhou: 347-761-7758
Mon, August 15th & Tues, August 16th & Fri, August 19th - Angela Xie: 646-643-4034
Wed, August 17th - Ivy Zhang: 917-873-8832
Thurs, August 18th - Elizabeth Eng: 917-757-5836
SIGN UP HERE: Click Here!

** Because this is a summer event, NO points will be given but this is a good opportunity to gain community service hours


**Message From Your Second Generation President**

5:22 PM Unknown 0 Comments


Some of you may know me as the girl who nearly destroyed your ears during the February 2016 H.O.P.E. meeting. To those out there who have almost lost their ears that day, I am extremely sorry >.<

My name is Courtney and I will be the next H.O.P.E. President for the 2016-2017 school year. With the help of my fellow executives, we plan to make the following school year an enjoyable one for everyone.

Our journey together will be starting NOW. We will soon be posting up summer events and EVERYONE is welcomed to come. My executives and I are looking forward to seeing all of you and creating future memories with one another.

Towards the beginning of the new school year, we will be creating a new H.O.P.E. 2016 - 2017 Facebook page. We will also be updating our current club website Please look forward to these updates and changes!


:) :) :) :)