Mandatory - Thursday, February 11th
Our next mandatory meeting will be this Thursday, February 11th in the auditorium during 11th period. We will be selling mini bundles of items for Valentine's Day after the meeting. Specifics will be mentioned in another email and at the meeting.
If you cannot make it to the mandatory meeting, you must email us at Here are the instructions for Request for Excusals once again: Compose a new message with the subject line "Request for Excusal." Within the email, include your name, OSIS #, and the reason why you cannot attend the mandatory meeting. For all excusals regarding doctor's appointments, a clear image of your doctor's note (can be from the prescription pad) must be emailed to us after. To avoid getting the email limit warning multiple times, you will only receive a personal reply to your excusal if there is an issue with it. Everyone who sends a Request for Excusal will get a confirmation email regarding its approval if there were no issues with it.
Happy Lunar New Year to those who celebrate it and see you guys Thursday!