Fall Parent Teacher Conferences

9:22 PM Unknown 0 Comments

The Fall Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up and we need members to act as teachers' assistants. You will each get an assigned teacher that you will assist throughout the evening/afternoon. We will need members to help out for both days:
- Thursday, November 19th from 4:15 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. 
- Friday, November 20th from 11:45 A.M. to 4 P.M. 

For both Thursday and Friday, sign ins will be outside room 3E19. We will go down to room 1W6 as a group after for your assignments. Your sign out will be the post-it with the name of your assigned teacher, which you will get on the day of the Parent Teacher Conferences. On that post-it, you will need to write your full name and OSIS #. At the end of your shift, please ask the teacher to sign the post-it to prove that you helped them throughout the entire evening/afternoon. Lastly, bring the post-it to room 1W6 and place it in the box that says "H.O.P.E. PTCs."  

This event will be 20 points. 

Please wear Tech attire (hoodie, gym shirt, H.O.P.E. crewneck, etc.) on both days. 

Sign-Up Link: Click Here!
*The sign-up will open tonight at 9:30 P.M. and close Sunday at 10 P.M.

**Just to clarify, each day that you help out for the PTC is 20 points. Also, please do not sign up for the PTCs for H.O.P.E. if you have already done so for NHS! You will only get points for one club.**

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