Spring Parent Teacher Conferences
Hey guys!
The Spring Parent Teacher Conferences will be on Thursday, March 23rd from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM and Friday, March 24th from 12:30 PM to 2:50 PM. This event will be worth 20 points for EACH day you help out. Please wear Tech attire throughout the course of the event.
You will sign up for the teacher of your choice directly on the mysignup link. This means that you have immediately chosen the teacher that you will stay with for the duration of the conference. Rooms of teachers will be sent out in a future post/email.
NOTE: Since this event is mandatory for NHS members, you may see names already on the sheet. Please sign for a spot that has not been taken.
SIGN-IN - Swipe in at the SE section of the cafeteria at 4:30 PM on Thursday and 12:00 PM on Friday, depending on the day(s) you signed up for. Remember to get an exit slip! They must be filled out and returned at the end of the event for they will be counted as sign-outs.
SIGN-OUT: Please go to the NE exit on the first floor and return your exit slip to any executive (H.O.P.E., NHS, KEY). There is no scanning or checking from a list for sign-out. You must exit the building when you hand in your ticket. Sign-outs will take place at 8:30 PM on Thursday and 3:00 PM on Friday.
You can only sign up for one job each day and you are not subject to the same job both days.
A. Elevator Monitor
During the duration of the event day's time you will be taking parents and students to their desired floors. Keep in mind that you would be in charge of an elevator card/key so failure to return the elevator card/key at the end of the event would result in serious consequences.
B. Translator
You will aid families in translating during meetings with teachers and possibly assist families in navigating the school.
Languages needed: Chinese (preferably well-versed in Mando and Canto), Spanish, Urdu, Bengali, and Russian.
C. Teacher's assistant
You will stay outside of your designated teacher's room and aid them in whatever they may need. Teachers tend to ask students to monitor parents and keep track of time per meeting.
D. Floaters
If there is a teacher without a helper, you become that teacher’s helper. If no teacher needs help, you will be seated in the cafeteria/help out NHS executives or help parents/guest with any questions they may have.
E. Greeters
You will be at the NE side of the first floor, the center section of the first floor and hand out the teacher list and greet parents.
Thanks guys!